Thank you to everyone who played in this years Old Pals! Weather was beautiful, Brandon had the course in primo shape, and good friends brought a ton of fun. Below you will find a summary of today's events.
Let us all congratulate our 2023 Champions: Jayson Madsen and John Dehart. Well fought gentlemen!
Flight Winners:
Madsen and Dehart
Wandell and McCabe
Polglaze and Cockerham
Foley and Hanaman
Mattison and Weiser
Wild Card Winners:
Masterson and Kruse
Hahn and Packard Sr
Sullivan and McIntyre
Shootout Results:
12.44 and Champions - Jayson Madsen and John Dehart
12.89 and Runners Up - Dave Wandell and Darryl McCabe
13.11 and 3rd Place - Dood Masterson and Keith Kruse
13.89 - Gary Polglaze and Barry Cockerham
15.11 - Austin Foley and Ace Hanaman
15.89 - Steve Hahn and Jim Packard Sr
16.11 - Bill Sullivan and Randy McIntyre
16.67 - Mickey Mattison and Scott Weiser
Round 1:
Hevrin/James with a 2 on #5
Foley/Hanaman with a 1 on #7
Round 2:
Madsen/Dehart with a 3 on #15
Round 3:
Polglaze/Cockerham with a 3 on #2
Masterson/Kruse with a 1 on #3
Foley/Hanaman with a 3 on #8