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Old Pals Recap

Thank you to everyone who played in this years Old Pals! Weather was beautiful, Brandon had the course in primo shape, and good friends brought a ton of fun. Below you will find a summary of today's events.

Let us all congratulate our 2023 Champions: Jayson Madsen and John Dehart. Well fought gentlemen!

Flight Winners:

Madsen and Dehart

Wandell and McCabe

Polglaze and Cockerham

Foley and Hanaman

Mattison and Weiser

Wild Card Winners:

Masterson and Kruse

Hahn and Packard Sr

Sullivan and McIntyre

Shootout Results:

12.44 and Champions - Jayson Madsen and John Dehart

12.89 and Runners Up - Dave Wandell and Darryl McCabe

13.11 and 3rd Place - Dood Masterson and Keith Kruse

13.89 - Gary Polglaze and Barry Cockerham

15.11 - Austin Foley and Ace Hanaman

15.89 - Steve Hahn and Jim Packard Sr

16.11 - Bill Sullivan and Randy McIntyre

16.67 - Mickey Mattison and Scott Weiser


Round 1:

Hevrin/James with a 2 on #5

Foley/Hanaman with a 1 on #7

Round 2:

Madsen/Dehart with a 3 on #15

Round 3:

Polglaze/Cockerham with a 3 on #2

Masterson/Kruse with a 1 on #3

Foley/Hanaman with a 3 on #8


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